CORE recognizes rigorous, valuable, and impactful practice-based research to spark innovation and promote best practice in environmental design. The credibility of academic research is typically judged on the basis of well-established protocols and peer-review processes - but what constitutes research quality in the context of the practice of environmental design? The tools used to assess academic research do not easily translate to practice-based research, a challenge for researchers and practitioners alike. In response, EDRA developed CORE to serve as a measuring stick to assess the value of research that goes beyond rigor alone.
EDRA CORE's unique evaluation framework identifies practice-based environmental design research that is not only rigorous, but also offers measurable value, meets industry challenges, and advances design thinking; recognizes the importance of research in practice; provides a compass to guide designers, researchers, organizations, and manufacturers; and builds on EDRA's tradition of inquiry, reflection, and collaboration and its commitment to innovation.
After a juried and appeals process, we are pleased to announce the final recipients of the 2016 Certificate of Research Excellence (CORE) program. The following research projects met the CORE criteria, based on the review of a cross-disciplinary jury of academic researchers, practice-based researchers, designers, and industry thought leaders.
Child Friendly Street submitted by Ankara University Coordination of Child Science Center, Ankara Turkey; Ece Ozbal, Neriman Aral, Aydin Özedmir, Figen Gürsoy, Mudriye Yildiz Bicakci
Designing For the Future: A Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the Peter Jones Learning Centre submitted by Simon Fraser University, Abbotsford, British Columbia; Jacqueline P. Ashby, Jacqueline Pizzuti Ashby
[d]lab: A collaborative learning space promoting creativity and learning submitted by Colorado State University Interior Design Program, Fort Collins, Colorado; Katharine E. Leigh, Kenneth R. Tremblay Jr., Laura H. Malinin, Amy Mattingly Huber, Derrell Jackson
Does Privacy Trump Visibility? Examining an Iconic Hospital's Radial Nursing Unit submitted by Gresham, Smith and Partners, Tampa, Florida; Sheila J. Bosch, Beth Hiltonen, Elisa Worden, LeLayna France, Michael Apple, Yi Lu, Doug Bazuin, Upali Nanda
Field Research and Parametric Analysis in a Med-Surg Unit submitted by Center for Advanced Design Research and Evaluation, Houston Texas; Upali Nanda, Sipra Pati, Adeleh Nejati
Impact of Visual Art on Patient Behavior in the Emergency Department Waiting Room submitted HKS (American Art Resources at the time of study), Houston, Texas; Robyn Bajema, Upali Nanda, Cheryl Chenaud, Michael Nelson, Xi Zhu
RIPL Project One : Post-Occupancy Built and Technology Design Evaluation submitted by Faculty of Art, Design + Architecture, Monash University, Melbourne; Kate Tregloan, Libby Callaway, Andrew Dyer, Clarissa Martin, Gulsun Ali
Saint Mary's School, Sarah Graham Kenan Library Environmental Behavior Study, Renovation, and Post-Occupancy Study submitted by Interior Architecture & Design, PLLC (IDeA), Raleigh, North Carolina; Dawn A. Gum, Nicholas Watkins, Kimberly Johnston, Julie Zook, Maggie Dillon
Working without Borders: Flexible Workplace in an International Peacekeeping Organization, submitted by PLASTARC, New York, NY; Melissa Marsh, Ingrid Erickson, Cassie Hackel, Scott Leinweber
In addition, a special CORE Award of Merit will be presented to:
Effects of Simulated Nature View on Cognitive and Psycho-physiological Responses of Correctional Officers in a Jail Intake Area submitted by HDR Inc., Phoenix, Arizona; Melissa Farling, Jay Farbstein, Richard Wener, Julian Thayer